AI-The Future is here!

Mimicking Human Intelligence has been a myth among several minds, but today; with the advancement in Technology, Paradigm shifts have evolved to shapen out the narrative as Artificial Intelligence is replacing Humans at Workstations and Lots of Skills.

This in turn will reduce chances of Humans with lesser knowledge or accuracy disbalances to so many Job fields, funny? No!

Some Humans gets tired to code Thousands of Code commands in a day, Gets tired of reading measures of Drugs to administer, Gets tired to pick Phone calls, Respond to Mails, Serve Meals and so it goes.

Today, AI is here to raise Meta-features which will enable lots to be decided, calculated and handled in few seconds instead of the Timeframe People demand for their works and Services.

The Agricultural Sector is not speared, neither the Health Sector, Educational Fields and even Technology Fields!

Web 3.0 is Here and a lot of people have not even learnt the basics of Web 2.0. Sad it is!

Images Source: Simeon Unity Kazashim and Unsplash.

At the Moment, Machine Learning is used in the healthfields to diagnose cases using Neural Networks and it’s more accurate! These days, we are stuck with Final Diagnosis which, if medically checked are just Tentative Diagnostics.

Makeri Jerry Isuwa, Bye to Brokeness.

What is the way out?

We will find out on the next featured Post.

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